“Andy Saunders' remastered images are the best photographs I’ve ever seen of Apollo. They are so clear and real that they are the next best thing to being there. They are an exact representation of what I remember from my journey to the Moon on Apollo 16 - it’s made it come alive to me, after 52 years.”

Charlie Duke - Apollo 16 LMP

 “Andy Saunders is a go-to guy for restoring photographs that seem beyond hope. His new book, Apollo Remastered, reveals what happened when this British imaging specialist turned his hand to humanity's ultimate adventure.

However much you think you know the Apollo images, never have they been seen quite like this…“

National Geographic

“Apollo Remastered is one of the best records of Apollo history ever produced.”

David R. Scott - Apollo 15 Commander

“Apollo Remastered is a fine collection of remastered photographs that depicts the real essence of the Apollo program. It brought back many memories of my time during the missions - an incredible book that will surely be enjoyed for many generations to come."

Jim Lovell - Apollo 13 Commander

“After five decades, it's very rare that something comes along from Apollo that genuinely surprises me...but this is truly special. It changes everything, in an instant.”

Mark McCaughrean - European Space Agency

"It's hard to believe the detail that Andy has pulled out of the old Apollo film, especially the underexposed shots like the one I took of Jim McDivitt that he’s used on the cover of this incredible book. 

The first time I saw it I was just blown away, it's just magical. Through Andy’s techniques everyone can now see what we saw, and why we took the photographs. Given the detailed background that also accompanies the images, Apollo Remastered is a truly valuable record, and a great contribution to the history of human spaceflight."

Rusty Schweickart - Apollo 9 LMP

“Seeing historians like Andy Saunders produce such cutting-edge results is incredible. . . Not only has Andy done a remarkable job bringing more details to light, but his incredible work has also created a lot of public excitement.”

Dr Brian Odom - Chief Historian, NASA

“Apollo Remastered by Andy Saunders provided me with a masterful pictorial review of my great days serving as a crewman on four lunar missions. I looked in awe at some pictures of that history that I had never seen before!"  

Fred Haise - Apollo 13 LMP

“In Mission Control, back in the day, imagination pieced together grainy television images, crew voice reports and the flight plan, to portray mission events. Now, for the first time, Apollo Remastered brings the glory of Apollo and the explorers into sharp focus. 50 years later, I can finally look over the shoulder of Mike Collins and Al Bean and see what they saw.

"Several photographs even take on the aura of great paintings or works of art, and as I turn the pages of this incredible book, I once again hear the voices of my Capcom and crews in real time.  But now, I become part of the experience as if I were a member of the crew - in the cockpit, exploring the lunar surface, rendezvousing and docking and joining in - seeing the glory of creation for the first time.“

Gene Kranz - Apollo Flight Director

“This book is absolutely beautiful. It brought back a lot of good memories.”

Frank Borman - Apollo 8 Commander

“Truly epic . . . Some of the scenes you'll recognize; they're among the most iconic photos ever taken. But others you will not have seen before; and certainly not in the detail that Andy has rendered them. They have a crispness and depth that makes you want to reach out and touch them.”

BBC News

“Andy Saunders’ Apollo Remastered is a grand statement about our universe. By pairing stunning enhanced images from the Moon’s surface with stills from within the spacecraft, Saunders presents a rare look inside these journeys to the Moon.

The result is an immersive experience that not only captures behind-the-scenes moments, but restores them for future generations.”

TIME Magazine (Best Photobook Of The Year Shortlist)

“The images Andy Saunders has produced from the 50 year old original film are just incredible. I have personally checked the images in the book, and if you want to know what it was really like on the Apollo missions, then this is for you. Maintaining an accurate record of these historic moments is such important work not just now, after half a century, but also for future generations.”

Walter Cunningham - Apollo 7 LMP

“Even though I worked for NASA for 40 years, I can only view the work Andy does in digital restoration of analog imagery as innovative, creative, and a gift to the world. The precision, the detail, and the validity of his work on the old film from early human spaceflight is breathtaking to me - such incredibly valuable results and contributions to these historic events.”

Jim Lewis - Command Recovery Pilot, Liberty Bell 7

“A peerless photographic masterpiece - almost as audacious as Apollo itself.

If you only buy one Apollo book before the decade is out make sure it's this one! A total treasure to pore over for a lifetime.”

Dr. Christopher Riley - Co-producer, In the Shadow of the Moon

“Apollo Remastered by Andy Saunders is a wonder - the reproduction of the photographs taken over 50 years ago is truly amazing. His expert enhancement reveals astonishing detail. There are so many images I’d never seen before and it's a book to come back to again and again. It’s also so much more than a collection of the most amazing photos, there’s masses of information and context - a wonderful history of all the Apollo missions. Magnificent.”

Paul Franklin - Oscar Winning VFX Specialist, Interstellar

“NASA's Moon missions as you've never seen them before - remastered for a new century.”

The Guardian

“These are the best versions of the photographs from Apollo I've ever seen.”

Tony Reichhardt - Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine

“This is truly a wonderful volume on the whole Apollo program. As a geologist who worked closely with the astronauts and taught them how to photograph the Moon during the Apollo missions, I was amazed at the detail and clarity of these remastered versions Andy has produced, 50 years later. Also impressive is the research to produce such an accurate record. The information along with each photograph also helps tell the story of the program in such an immersive way. He really has done a great deal for the legacy of the Apollo program.”

Dr Farouk El-Baz - Apollo Geologist, NASA

“The images are wonderful. I usually check the Project Apollo Archive, and the comparison between those photos and the ones Andy has processed is, well, there are no words.”

Ángel Gómez Roldán - Editor-in-Chief, Astronomía Magazine

“This book is so beautiful. Working in the space industry, it’s hard for me to be in awe of a lot of things as I’m so close to it, but this took my breath away as I was turning the pages. I cannot more highly recommend this.”

Leah Cheshier - Public Affairs Officer, NASA

“Restoration expert Andy Saunders' Apollo Remastered is a time capsule of human spaceflight, presenting some of the most iconic photographs in history like never before, in perfect clarity and bold color.

Using cutting-edge technology and special digital techniques, Saunders was able to revive these vintage photos in a way that will leave readers dumbstruck.”


“With all visual content from the Apollo program now sat in archives gathering dust, the world badly needs individuals like Andy who are prepared to go the extra mile to extract the richness from this astonishing material, bringing new life to the old.

This book is a masterpiece of image restoration.”

Stephen Slater - Archive Producer of Emmy Award Winning ‘Apollo 11’

“Andy is without a doubt the leading expert on that golden age of spaceflight thanks to his work on digitally restoring and deciphering the stories behind 50 year old NASA images. Take a look at his new book ‘Apollo Remastered’ and witness Apollo as you have never seen it before.”

Keith Wilson - Spaceflight Researcher

“British author and imaging specialist Andy Saunders' first restored image, provided the world with the first clear picture of Neil Armstrong on the Moon. After then dedicating over 10,000 hours to restoring flight film from the Apollo missions, Apollo Remastered is a stunning book that sheds new light on humanity's very first ventures to the Moon, drawing out previously unseen details.

The book’s front cover is a perfect encapsulation of the water-to-wine magic of Saunders’ restoration techniques. The 400 stunning images within, show the space program in unprecedented clarity.”


"The new book, Apollo Remastered by Andy Saunders shows the Apollo lunar missions like you have never seen them before. The illuminating images are simply out of this world."

New Scientist Magazine (Best Books Of The Year)

“They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but the image fronting this new tome of astronaut photography speaks volumes for what is found inside.

Apollo Remastered is not just a phenomenal coffee table book, but a phenomenal service to history.”

Robert Z. Pearlman - collectSPACE.com

“Using cutting edge enhancement techniques, Andy Saunders has created the highest quality Apollo photographs ever produced. He’s also produced the first ever clear image of the first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong. It’s not surprising that his new book, Apollo Remastered has become a Sunday Times best-seller; showcasing photographs that are literally out of this world.”

ITV News

“Andy Saunders’ Apollo Remastered is utterly superb. Beyond beautiful - it will take your breath away. Why did we go to the Moon? This explains everything…”

Dallas Campbell - Science TV Presenter, Author and Speaker

“Hundreds of never-before-seen images from the Apollo missions, lovingly brought to life by NASA’s photo restorer Saunders. Startling spacewalks, portraits of astronauts in their spacecraft and dazzling new views of the Earth and the Moon give new insight and perspective of man’s exploration of space.”

New York Post

“Think you've seen Apollo? Think again. Andy Saunders' remarkably meticulous work has imbued these iconic photos with an emotional depth and clarity that's nothing short of breathtaking.”

Alexander Milas, Space Rocks

“Apollo Remastered is a must-have coffee table collection of iconic and stunning photos, meticulously cleaned and colour-corrected to provide sharp, detailed, life-like images.  Its author, Andy Saunders, is no dilettante - the 48-year-old is a science writer and an expert in digital restoration.  As awesome as the photos are, the captions are also worthy of attention, as they include not just details about the taking of the pictures, but fascinating facts about the missions. 

Not only is this a stunning collection, but it’s the best we’ll have until humans make the next trip across the cislunar sea, cameras poised.”

National Post, Canada

“A masterpiece.”

Tim Peake - British ESA Astronaut

“A truly magnificent and significant addition to the photographic history of spaceflight. It’s also deservedly a hit. Saunders brings new, bold life to familiar photographs of the Space Race, and illuminates detail we have never seen before. He also creates wholly new images through stacking frames of 16mm film, which open up the interior of Apollo spacecraft or give unexpected views of the Lunar surface. The book is beautifully presented and it is genuinely thrilling to read as we see the era of Apollo as if for the first time. It's a book that moves the heart and inspires.

Keith Haviland - Emmy Nominated Producer of Spaceflight Feature Documentaries

“Andy Saunders’ remarkable digital imaging skills are rewriting space history. Saunders is doing for Project Apollo what the James Webb Space Telescope has done for astronomy: bringing our greatest adventure into sharp and arresting focus.”

George Leopold - Author of Calculated Risk: The Supersonic Life & Times Of Gus Grissom

“Andy Saunders brings new life to images we have long since cherished and, in some cases, have never seen before. While there is no shortage of books on the Apollo missions, he has made this one stand out in a crowded field, and the reason is evident as soon as you open Apollo Remastered.

Each image is a feast for the eyes and with over 400 full-page photographs, it’s a treasure trove that will be relished by fans of one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Meticulously working on each image, Saunders has delivered the reader a time capsule worthy of anyone’s reinforced book shelves.”

Physics World

“Andy’s remastered images leave me stunned. They give me chills. This is as close as any of us will get to joining the Apollo astronauts on their historic missions to the moon—and it’s a lot closer than we ever thought possible. This book, like all of Andy’s work, is much more than a thrill to behold; it’s a profound contribution to our understanding of humanity’s exploration of the heavens.”

Jeff Shesol - Author of Mercury Rising: John Glenn, John Kennedy, and the New Battleground of the Cold War

“Holy smokes! These are incredible images! Andy’s work breathes life into the Apollo missions, brings us closer to the men that we admire as heroes and takes us on their journey to explore the unknown.”

Amy Leniart - Emmy Award Winning Director, NASA

“The original images allowed the world to share the astronaut’s experience of the lunar surface, but now the missions are being seen through a new lens, exposing some long-lost secrets. Andy Saunders trawled through 35,000 images held in NASA’s archives; studying each one, frame-by-frame, and although some looked far from promising, what they contained was extraordinary.

Each image has been digitally restored, pixel-by-pixel to give us the clearest view we’ve ever had of the Moon landings.”

BBC News

“Marvel at the stunning detail Saunders has coaxed from archival images of America’s space program by using digital restoration techniques on NASA’s original film transparencies. His work, collected in a new book, Apollo Remastered, is for space geeks, what last year’s Peter Jackson’s Beatles doc was for music fans.”

Matthew Kronsberg - Bloomberg

“This stunning hardcover book by space photography enthusiast Andy Saunders casts NASA’s Apollo missions in a completely new light. Packed with over 400 images, Apollo Remastered chronicles the Apollo era in vivid detail, a result of Saunders’s meticulous digital reworking of pre-existing images and film taken from the NASA archive. The book, published in October and featuring some unseen images, will be of interest to even the most discerning of Apollo junkies.


“Apollo Remastered: The Ultimate Photographic Record is a weighty, large-format coffee table book that beams readers right into its cosmic world. Digital restoration expert Andy Saunders has painstakingly remastered this treasure trove of photographs, many of which have never been published and the results are pure magic. Full of clarity, sharpness and color that make readers feel like part of the team—a far cry from those grainy images that were broadcast on TV at the time.”


“Half a century after the Apollo programme, it lives again through this extraordinary book. All photographs have been remastered from original film and the result is a visual sumptuousness that gives an accurate representation of what was, without doubt, the greatest human adventure.”

Le Monde

“A beautiful photography book, full of crisp and clean images that look like they could have been taken yesterday. Starting off with the earliest NASA space missions, the book takes you on a journey through every Apollo space mission, sharing interesting insights and commentary along the way.”

BBC Science Focus Magazine

“Andy Saunders’ Apollo Remastered series is unnervingly futuristic. In his final works, previously unseen details are brought into crisp definition, rendering the Apollo missions with a distinct 21st-century look and feel.

Punctured with crisp whites and an unbelievable amount of visual detail - they wouldn’t look out of place in a movie like Interstellar or Gravity.”

Contemporary Art and Visual Culture Magazine, Elephant

“50 years after the first steps on the Moon, this colossal work presents, methodically, over 400 photographs from the eleven missions. The substantial work on the processing has revealed shots of astonishing quality. The lunar book for generations to come.”

Competence Photo Magazine

“In his breathtaking new book, science writer Andy Saunders shares remastered images of the first missions to the Moon, giving the most accurate view ever of these historic journeys. The results are astounding, and according to the astronauts who were actually there, who took the photographs, they're closer to reality than anything that’s gone before.”

Irish Independent

Relive the wonder of the first humans on the Moon, now gloriously remastered and collected together in this gorgeous new book. The restored detail is astonishing, thanks to the wizardry of photo restorer Andy Saunders, who makes us feel like we are right there with them.”


“I can already say with total confidence that this will go down in history as one of the greatest books about the Apollo missions ever published. Andy is an image-processing wizard, and has brought the missions' images to life in a whole new way.

Stuart Atkinson - Author of A Cat’s Guide to the Night Sky

“Each year there's a superlative gift book published, and this year's might just be Apollo Remastered: large-scale, jaw-dropping photography of our first trips to the Moon, remastered for the first time from the original film negatives.”


“An emotional look at this giant leap for humanity that made us dream so much.”

Le Parisien

“A beautiful, monumental book. The photographs are accompanied by text that illuminate this extraordinary epic.”


“The result of the restorations, in high definition, is simply breathtaking work. You can admire the spectacular large-format Earth, Neil Armstrong’s first steps, and also moments of life less known. The magnificent final chapter details the history of space photography and even the techniques of the restoration. A book that propels us to the stars.”

Science & Vie Magazine

“Andy Saunders has been blowing us away with his work, completely changing the way we look at the Apollo missions. Even for people like us who think we've seen everything; we learn so much from him and his work.”

Dave Giles - "Space & Things"

“Only setting foot onto the Moon ourselves would trump this in my opinion.”

Dr Dan Brown - School of Science & Technology, NTU

“An unprecedented look at Apollo. Fifty years later, Apollo Remastered showcases 400 photos from the missions to the Moon in stunning clarity. Saunders has used various editing techniques, including stacking images from 16mm video film, to create much clearer images from these iconic missions than have been seen before. The results are revealing and beautiful.”

Ars Technica

“Holy moly. I'm stunned! These are spectacular.”

Rebecca Siegel - Author, To Fly Among the Stars

“For such a distant era, this book simply reinvents our perception of history and helps perpetuate the memory of these incredible moments. A very beautiful odyssey awaits you!”

Savoir Tout Faire En Photographie Magazine

“Jaw-dropping remastered NASA photos.”

CBS News

“A jaw dropping wonder of a book in which art, history, production and design come together seamlessly in a love letter to the achievements of the Apollo space program and its manned flights. The labor of a passionate quest to see clearly what the astronauts saw. Andy Saunders hits every high note, highlights the human side to the missions, and takes us as close as we will likely get to stepping on the moon. What a thrill just to turn the pages and take it all in.”

Barnes & Noble (Book Of The Year Finalist)

“Historic photos enhanced with the latest in cutting edge digital tools. The result is high-definition photos that look like they have been taken yesterday. A must-buy for any spaceflight fans.”

Royal Aeronautical Society

“Quite simply, Andy has provided a gift to humanity. His work chronicles something magically human about the curiosity that guides us.”

Dr. Bryan J. Zygmont - Professor of Art History, LATech

“Andy Saunders’ revived photos, previously damaged by time, have produced the fascinating ‘Apollo Remastered’, which allows us all to discover, under a new light, the best of the American dream.”

Paris Match

“Out of this world.”

The Washington Post

“British imaging specialist Andy Saunders used his skills to enhance the clarity of long-sequestered video and photography from Apollo …and the results are nothing short of astounding.”

Patriot News

“Absolutely blown away by this image restoration work.”

Shannon Towey - Systems Engineer, NASA

“These remastered Apollo photographs are simply phenomenal, blown away with all of them. So exciting to see new life being brought into these images and thank you Andy for the amazing contribution you have given to humanity.”

Logan P. Rex - Armstrong Air & Space Museum

“Probably one of the biggest book releases of the year and it totally lives up to the hype. The pictures are so beautifully remastered it was like they were taken yesterday. I’ve been reading about Apollo for years and thought I’d seen everything, but I feel like I’ve never seen any of this - it’s incredible. For a book it’s very immersive; like you could just step into it.“

Emily Carney - ‘The Original Space Hipster’

“Andy Saunders' work takes familiar images and allows us to see beyond each frame of historical film. This allows us to consider questions and potential answers not previously even possible, thanks to the advances in technology and his inspiring work.”

Johannes Kemppanen - Apollo 13 Historian

“If you are an Apollo buff then this is the book for you. Lots of books on Apollo have been published over the years but you won’t find anything to surpass this one. I thought that after 50 plus years I had seen it all - no new stories, no new photos, no new revelations! But I was wrong, thanks to the talent of author and digital photo expert Andy Saunders.”

Keith Wilson - Spaceflight Researcher

“Most of the images you’ll have seen from the missions are reproductions of reproductions and have lost a lot of their detail and vibrancy. This is where Andy Saunders comes in. He has spent years restoring images from every single crewed Apollo mission and collating them into an incredible collection.”

Glasgow Times

“These images are absolutely breathtaking. Andy has taken photographs that were long ignored, and breathed new life into them. I get chills every time I see one of these incredible remastered photographs!”

John Mulnix - “The Space Shot”

“I’ve just finished the book Apollo Remastered, by Brit Andy Saunders, who went through original scans and worked his digital magic to retrieve the best quality images. He has now put out the book and it is incredible - if you want a coffee table picture book of Apollo, this is the one to get.”

Kai Ryssdal - Make Me Smart Podcast

“Andy’s work is, for lack of a better word, astounding.”

Emulsive Film

“These are stunning images, just spectacular, like we've never seen it before.”

Andrew Luck-Baker - BBC Producer of '13 Minutes To The Moon'

“Houston, we have an insight. . . Fifty years on, these new images are a vivid window on the dramas that gripped the world.”

Daily Mirror

“There aren’t enough powerful words to describe Andy Saunders as a person as well as his work. The precision, the detail, and the validity of his work on the old film from early human spaceflight is breathtaking to me. I find it difficult to even imagine the methodology used to analyze this filmed media and increase the fidelity to such a degree, let alone implement that methodology to achieve such incredibly valuable results and contributions to these historic events.”

Jim Lewis - Command Recovery Pilot, Liberty Bell 7

“Thanks to the work of British imaging specialist Andy Saunders and his breakthrough craft of stacking old NASA video frames to sharpen resolution, we have a fresh look at a historic moment in space travel.“

Patriot News

“Back in 1960s to 1980s amateur space sleuths examined anything and everything about human spaceflight looking for information that the space agencies of the world kept to themselves. Today, author and digital photo restorer Andy Saunders is our planet’s number one space sleuth.”

Keith Wilson - Spaceflight Researcher

“The restoration project Apollo Remastered brings out new details and shows the missions as experienced by the astronauts for the first time - it’s a voluminous coffee table book that offers the reader a mesmerizing vision of the bygone moon landing era.”

de Volkskrant

“If there is any book that a person should have who has any interest in art, photography, and spaceflight history, this is it. What is in your hands is years of work, showing the space missions as never before seen in such detail. Apollo Remastered is both a true work of art and an indispensable history of America’s space program.”

International Planetarium Society Book Review

“Apollo Remastered is truly a visual re-documentation of the first time humanity stepped on another world, and the first time we saw our own planet from the vantage point of space - whether you’re a space aficionado or not, this is a big deal. You really feel like you are there, rather than just seeing the same vintage shots that we’ve all seen.”

71 Magazine

“Thanks for the beautiful work!”

Corey Powell - Editor-in-Chief, Discover Magazine

“This image is great. This is the only image we have of [Armstrong’s] face when on the Moon. It’s an important record of a really crucial moment.”

Dr Robert Massey - Royal Astronomical Society

“Fifty years on from the mission, imaging specialist Andy Saunders has managed to produce the clearest pictures yet.”

The Independent

“Cheshire-based bestselling author Andy Saunders went through over 35,000 photos. Now remastered, they capture in amazing detail what the astronauts saw during their missions and reveal their incredible views.”

Mail Online

“Author Andy Saunders has remastered images of the Apollo missions, bringing incredible details previously unseen by the public.”


“When we see an image like that it really brings home the excitement.”

Ben Thompson - BBC Breakfast

“Congrats on the magnificent imagery. Thanks for allowing me to be a small part of this—love the images!!”

David Eicher - Editor-in-Chief, Astronomy Magazine